The order in which the birds aretaken is mainly that of interest and discovery,rather than the artificial one of ornithologicalclassification. The best time of day is, of course, the earlymorning or the late afternoon hours. (if the birds have a song)of two or three varieties before you anxiouslytry to place others. A first book upon the birds of Oregon & Washington a pocket guide and pupil's assistant in a study of the more common land birds and a few of the shore and water birds of these states. In thisway he made himself far richer than anyEnglish king had been before, and

91 CHAPTER V TO SHAKESPEARE AND ELIZABETH After Edward IV, who belonged to theHouse of York, the party of the White Rose,had defeated the army of the House of Lan-caster, the party of the Red Rose, at the battleof Towton, he took away from the great lordswho had belonged to the party of his enemiesall their land and all their money. n throughthe fighting, that the King was absolute masterof England, and, for some long time, neitherthe lords nor the common people could resisthis will. In thisway he made himself far richer than anyEnglish king had been before, and.